Monday, October 26, 2009

Give the gift of Paper!

Over the weekend I went to a great bridal shower for Matt's soon-to-be sister-in-law. I love showers because I love people getting together to celebrate someone else. For the past three weeks I have thought and thought about what to get the bride-to-be. I really love the art of gift giving and nothing makes me happier then seeing a person light up when they open a present. So I decided to fore go the bridal registry and think of something on my own and naturally I think about giving the gift of paper. Now I don't know the bride-to-be terribly well since I have only had a couple of interactions with her outside of family functions, but I know that ANY new bride wants to see her new name. I think that the new name is something that is thought about every time you start to get serious with a boyfriend- "could i be Mrs. so and so..." which makes seeing it on paper- in print- even more exciting and real. Being crazy about paper, I think that one style of stationery is not enough for anyone. Everyone needs the classic embossed monogram- it serves the purpose of a more formal thank you, or I'm sorry, and it is timeless so there is no need to rush through the box because in 25 years that will still be appropriate. I am also a believer that you need fun stationery- and as much of it as you can possibly imagine!! The fun notes makes you want to write and say "thanks for dinner" or "thanks for doing something thoughtful!" I think people appreciate a written note. So the time comes for the opening of the gifts at the shower and I have to tell you I was a little nervous because I didn't know if she would like paper or appreciate it! The gifts get opened one by one and mine keeps getting passed- which makes me even a little more nervous- but finally 2nd to last mine it opened. Comments start to come in about the wrapping (that is for another blog- but i also love to wrap gifts) and then she opens the boxes of stationery and she is thrilled- I really think that she loved seeing her new name in print. All the women at the shower thought that this was such a special idea and that it was incredibly thoughtful. I don't think anyone expects to get paper at a shower, but I think that it is such a great gift for a bride and it is a gift they can use for the years to come!

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